Our key focus is to provide environment-friendly solutions for water treatment. We cater to various industries like, pharmaceutical, rubber, food, textiles, steel, aluminum, plastic, foundry, tiles, and so on.
Our product CYPRA-KLEAN™ Herbal Liquid. Which will definitely create interest for your applications.
The CYPRA-KLEAN™ Herbal Liquid is Non-Acidic and Non-Toxic in nature and when used in the system, the scale and rust shall be removed completely from the Cooling Towers, Boiler, Chilling Plants, Evaporator, Heat Exchangers, other Tubes, pipelines, AHU, etc. It will stop any kind of microbiological development inside the cooling tower and hence, Root-Out major portion of Algae. The product ha9 the unique property of removing Calcium and Magnesium from the water and thereby preventing scale formation of any kind. So the water shall flow properly and subsequently improve in Heat Exchange.
Unique Properties And Advantages Of Cypra-Kleen Herbal Liquid
The CYPRA-KLEAN™ Herbal Liquid does not have the property of reactions but has a unique property to form a complex of Calcium Magnesium and higher valency metals (insoluble in water system). This slowly settles at the bottom of the system because of weight. The old scales slowly reacted by the Herbal Liquid and formed porosity on the scale surface. The CYPRA-KLEAN” Herbal Liquid enters the porous portions and reaches the surface of the body and forms a thin film between scale and body. Thue the scale loses its sticking property and fall-down in loose condition.
Since dissolved metals in the water to form insoluble complexes by the CYPRA-KLEAN’* Herbal Liquid, naturally the food chain of Micro-organism 9hall cut off, the before, the organi£tm suffers due to non-availability of salts for growth.
The Rust formation in the system is due to the presence of Dissolved Oxygen in the System Water. The CYPRA-KLEAN 7M Herbal Liquid is organic in nature, shall reduce dissolved oxygen in the Water and oxidize it, acts as an Oxygen Scavenger (dissolved oxygen is converted into carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen), hence, prevents the formation of rust on the metal surface.
Problems Developed In The System Due To Water
Normally in water, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and higher valency metals are available in dissolved conditions. The Calcium & Magnesium salts are the main cause of the formation of Hard Scala, hence, proper Heat Exchange does not take place.
In the case of Cooling Tower, the Hot Water is sprayed and heat exchange takes place. Water gets evaporated and its salts get deposited in the system and form a hard scale. Slowly, the concentration of the Hard Scale increases.
In normal Water Treatment, some portions of the scale get dissolved and mixed with water, forming a homogeneous condition. When evaporation takes place the scale settles on the body/metal and forms a Hard Scale on it which acts as a hindrance for heat exchange. The scale formation in the pipelines shall reduce the inside diameter of pipelines which creates BACK-PRESSURE in the system/pumps.
The normal water treatment is done by using 3 to 4 sometimes more acidic or alkaline chemicals, viz, Anti-Scaling agent, Anti-Rusting agent, Anti-Algae agent, and so on. Whereas in our case only CYPRA-KLEAN*" HERBAL LIQUID is used for removal of Scale, Rust, Dissolved Oxygen, and other impurities.
working of Cypra-Kleen™ herbal liquid
The CYPRA-KLEAN Herbal Liquid forms complex with metals and forms insoluble one and settles down due to its own weight. The CYPRA-KLEAN™ Herbal Liquid reacts with ions present on the scale surface and forms an insoluble state. Due to porosity on the scale surface, the CYPRA-KLEAN™ Herbal Liquid penetrates into the scale and forms a thin layer between body/metal arid scale, hence, the grip gets loosened and the scale falls down.
The dissolved salts are transformed into an insoluble one. The concentration of different extract works on Algae, Slime & Bacteria. It stops the food chain of bacterial growth. The CYPRA-KLEAN™ Herbal Liquid is organic in nature, reacts with Dissolved Oxygen in the water and thus a reduction or elimination of Oxygen takes place, so it is also an Oxygen Scavenger, due to which Rust and Corrosion can be avoided.
Ingredients Of Herbal Liquid
The ingredients in Herbal Liquid take care of the problems created by water. Each ingredient has a unique property and role in the formulation of herbal liquid.
NEEM has a major share in Herbal Liquid which helps in loosening and partial removal of Algae aa NEEM is one of the best Anti-Bacterial components.
The combination of NEEM, JEERA & METHI, makes the best anti-bacterial, antifungal & antiviral formulation.
BANANA SAP is used to treat and penetrate the Calcium and Magnesium present as a scale in the system.
FENUGREEK & MUSTARD SEED are natural flocculants, so they act to settle the scales present in water.
THETHANKOTTAI (Ancient Tamil Herb) has a unique adherence property, which helps th6 liquid to make a layer between the water and the system/body.
Comparative Statement
Observations In Cooling Tower And Boiler
Parameters Required For Dosing
We always welcome good suggestions for upgradation in our products, processes as well as in services and also believe in learning our valued customers' needs and vision. to be able to anticipate their requirements and develop interdependence.
Impact on Metals, Rubber and Allied products
No metal corrosion or detrition on plastics, rubber, and other products. It removes ionic metals like metal oxides, sulfate, nitrate, etc. till the virgin metal is exposed. This liquid will have no effect on virgin metals.
Fire and Explosion Hazard of Material
Non-flammable, Non-explosive